Guide for business visitors in Canada

This program aims at allowing business people seeking new markets and exploring the possibility of coming to Canada to benefit from business coaching on the ground in the following sectors: construction (products and services), real-estate and renewable energy projects. This to enable them to have a clearer vision of the opportunities offered by Quebec and Canada to decide to go ahead. Coach business people who have not clearly decided yet about doing business in Quebec, Canada. Provide support formulas both in Canada and abroad to: inform, guide, prepare business plans, organize meetings and business tours in the areas of construction, investments and real-estate projects and renewable energy. This with the help of a Canadian construction company on practical topics and responding to specific needs.

Business people wishing to be better informed before deciding to do business in Canada. Not calling upon consultants but a company with a history and practical experience of the field: regulations, laws, networks of subcontractors and suppliers, and project management.

Selection criteria:

  • None.

This tailor-made support program may include:

  • Basic training on laws and regulations, the Building Code and the Labour Code in Quebec and Canada, construction sector;
  • Visits of buildings, land, businesses, professionals and building sites;
  • Meetings held with business people and potential partners such as investors, entrepreneurs and businesses;
  • Meetings with organizations, municipalities, associations and professionals related to the field of construction such as: RBQ, APCHQ, city planners, lawyers, notaries, engineers, architects, surveyors and others;
  • Planning of business travel: accommodation, itineraries, meetings;
  • Tips to create and operate a construction company in Quebec.

Two types of support for visitors:

  • In Canada;
  • Abroad.

Support in Canada:
Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. assists companies visiting Canada by providing facilities, a business office and by answering their questions with the help of its business network in matters of: construction, investments and real-estate and renewable energy projects.

This support formula in Canada may include:

  1. The use of office space :
    • Using our construction company’s offices and 3 conference rooms in Montreal. For work and business meetings, 7 days/week.
  2. The assistance of an agent :
    • Support of your team from an agent speaking Spanish, English, French or Arabic.
  3. Training :
    • Construction Daniel Dargis Inc, with the help of its business network, answers your questions in the following matters: laws, regulations, business creation, and other areas.
  4. The organization of business travel :
    • Preparation of a journey and a schedule of meetings with business people in Canada such as: business partners or potential clients, professionals (lawyers, notaries, experts in fiscal law, accountants, architects, engineers, estimators, appraisers, etc.) and public authorities (municipalities, government, associations).
  5. The representation of your business in Canada :
    • Once returned to your country, after setting up your own office in Montreal, mailing address, telephone, a part-time or full-time person answering calls, the organization of meetings and presentations to show your active presence in Canada.

Support abroad:
Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. travels abroad to meet companies in a group or individually to answer their questions in a more concrete way. This is for companies that have projects and interests in construction, real-estate investments and projects and renewable energy in Quebec, Canada.

This is for companies that wish to:

  • Get together to bring a construction expert from Canada to answer their questions and better prepare them for a first visit to Canada;
  • Involve several departments of their business and thus save money by avoiding to send multiple representatives to Canada.

This support formula abroad may include:

  1. The meeting and training of specialists :
    • Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. meets the company’s teams in engineering, architecture, marketing, administration, accounting and others to better guide them before their arrival in Canada and assist them in the preparation of a business plan
  2. The recommendations of products and services :
    • Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. analyzes products and services of the clients and makes recommendations to better adapt them to the Canadian and North American market.
  3. The organization of a business visit to Canada :
    • Preparation of a journey and a schedule of meetings with business people in Canada such as: business partners or potential clients, professionals (lawyers, notaries, fiscal experts, accountants, architects, engineers, estimators, appraisers, etc.) and public authorities (municipalities, government, associations).

Do not hesitate to contact us !